Cacela Velha is a village (about 100 inhabitants) in the community Vila Nova de Cacela (county of Vila Real de Santo António).

Coordinates: 37°09’25.9″N 7°32’46.7″W

The place is located roughly 1,5 km south of the N125 between Tavira (approx. 12 km) and Vila Real (approx. 10 km). The urban area may only be frequented by car by the inhabitants. In front of the village entrance are parking places at disposal. To the center it is only a walk of about 50 to 100 m.

Around 800 a. Chr. n. already Greek and Phoenician seafarers profited from the unique position of the place. Romans and Moors expanded the fortification, which offers a far view over the coast and the mudflat.

Typical townhouses line the only access road of the place. 

In the locality are an information office (kind of tourist information but not only for tourists), restaurants and cafés. The opening hours depend on the season. 

The sight over the coast is superb. One can understand immediately why this site already was important more than 2,800 years ago. 

View towards southwest onto the island Cabanas and the Praia de Cacela Velha.

Hiking paths lead from the square at the church and the castle downwards to the coast. 

The castle cannot be visited. The building houses a station of the GNR (Guarda Nacional Republicana).

Igreja Matriz de Cacela Velha
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção

The church was erected upon ruins after the banishment of the Moors in the 13th century. From this time only a lateral door has remained. The basic structure of today’s church originates from the 16th century. 

After the earthquake of 1755 and the resulting damages the building has been rebuilt at the end of the 18th century.  

Paintings and sculptures of the saints decorate the church.   

You can visit the church during the season and at masses.