Paderne is a small town and a community (about 3,300 inhabitants) in the county of Albufeira.

Coordinates: 37° 11′ N, 8° 12′ W

The place is situated by the N270, roughly 12 km north of Albufeira.

The origins of the locality arise from the castle. However, today’s area of the small town (roughly 2 km northeastern) has been settled later, i. e. in the course of the 15th and 16th century.

Park your car best in the town outskirts, at the stadium or at the main street. 

Paderne invites to stroll around and to relax. Small boutiques with handicraft and diverse shops are situated in the narrow alleys around the church.

There are the post office, banks, restaurants, bistros, cafés and shopping facilities.  

Castelo de Paderne
Castelo de Almóada

The origins of the castle date from the 1st century and arise from the Romans. Under Moorish dominion the facility was fortified and expanded. The castle lost its military importance from the 15th century on gradually falling into ruins. The earthquake of 1755 destroyed parts of the fortress. 

Coordinates: 37°09’25.3″N 8°12’01.7″W

The approach is signposted and consists partly in a bumpy gravel track – but can be used by car.

Inside, the Nossa Senhora da Assunção (chapel) and a Moorish cistern are in good condition. From the parking area of the castle you have a beautiful view. It also provides a good starting point for hiking tours. 

Around the fortress exists no touristic infrastructure and the interior cannot be entered for the time being. Actually, the facility can be surrounded walking, still mind out the trail which is very uneven and unsecured. 

Igreja Matriz de Paderne

The church was built in the 16th century (completion in 1554) at the same time as the transfer of the small town happened.

Coordinates: 37°10’35.0″N 8°12’04.5″W

The church can only be visited at mass hours.