The village Alcalar is situated in the community of Mexilhoeira Grande, roughly 10 km northwest of the county of Portimão by the road M532.
Coordinates: 37°11’52.2″N 8°35’20.8″W
The little village has become known because of the megalithic tombs that have been found in the last almost 140 years. In town you can find cafés and restaurants.
In the year 1880 the pastor Antonio José Nunes da Gloria from > Mexilhoeiro Grande < discovered a megalithic tomb and provided a drawing of it. Thus, the archaeologist Sebastião Philippes Martins Estacio da Veiga became aware of it and found during his examinations further tombs that date from 3000 years a. Chr. n. In 1975 the related settlement has been discovered and now is being explored.
In the entrance area is a small museum (Centro de Acolhimento e Interpretação dos Monumentos Megálitos de Alcalar) that documents the excavation and informs about life at that time.
View into the barrow. In the far surrounding of the site one for settlements and tombs. This part is shared with the public for information purposes.
It is impressing how people in the Copper Age cared for their deceased.